We are blessed to have each other and work hard every day at staying a strong family.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Copays are our friend
Peyton has been very sick this weekend. Friday she started to get a temperature and runny nose. SHe sounded like she might lose her voice. When I put her to bed I gave her Motrin and within 1 1/2 hours she was spiked at 105.1. I could not even give her tylenol yet to piggyback. We were able to get it down with the bath to 104. She has had a horrible cough and runny nose. Took her to urgent care on Saturday because temperature was between 105 and 107. Again immediately gave a her bath to bring it down and went to the doctor. He gave her a presription and said if she gets worse to take her to the hospital. Then we get home and she starts puking everywhere for about 3 hours. She then was able to finally go to sleep and again woke up with a high fever. We just kept a close eye on her yesterday and now this morning are getting ready to take her back to be seen first thing. I feel horrible that I cannot do anything to help her but comfort her. The doctor told us to keep her seperated from her sister because it is dangerous for the baby to get this. It has been very hard for her to not be with the baby and when I am feeding the baby she has to stay with Dad on the other side of the room. That just kills her. Children always want their moms when they are really sick. Hope todays doctor visit has a good outcome with higher hopes.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Quiet Nights
Skyler has been sleeping throught he night for the last three nights. I have been putting her in bed around 9-9:30 and sleeping until 5-3:30 in the morning. It is nice getting into a routine and getting decent sleep (at least 5 hours straight).
She is growing so fast. She had her 2 month appointment yesterday and
she is 10lbs 10 oz and 22 3/4 long. I feel like I blinked once and she is already 2 months. She is talking and smiling so much now. She responds to Peyton when she is playing with her. That makes Peyton happy and makes me smile. Evenings have been better too. She gets fussy some nights but for the most part she is getting to be a happier baby.
She is growing so fast. She had her 2 month appointment yesterday and
she is 10lbs 10 oz and 22 3/4 long. I feel like I blinked once and she is already 2 months. She is talking and smiling so much now. She responds to Peyton when she is playing with her. That makes Peyton happy and makes me smile. Evenings have been better too. She gets fussy some nights but for the most part she is getting to be a happier baby.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas is in the air
Last night we put up our outside christmas lights. We bought the new LED icicle lights this year. Recently Tyler had bought a house of lights box to use with our lights this year. We plugged it in last night to all the stuff in the yard and the house lights and it looks so cool. With the music playing and all the lights flashing it looks really neat. We let Peyton stay up last night because we started putting the lights up around 8pm so she was up until around 10:30. When Daddy turned on all the lights she was jumping up and down. That is why we have children, to see the excitement and smiles on their face bring alot of joy to my life. Skyler is starting to smile alot and talk. She is waking up in the morning and just laying there talking until I go and get her. That is a major step in our household right now. We have finally gone from screaming to happy. She slept 8 1/2 hours last night. When she woke up this morning she was ready for the day, even though it was 5:30 am, I just got up and had some quiet time with Skyler and my coffee. That makes a mommy very happy and alot less stressed.
Monday, December 7, 2009
What a great weekend
We did alot this weekend. Saturday the christmas parade was rained out and our family pictures were rescheduled also due to the rain. Peyton and I made a cookie snowman and a cotton ball igloo. The snowman was for our pleasure to eat ( and it was YUMMY!) The igloo is for her preschool. Every week they have a letter of the alphabet on Mondays and they have to bring something from home that starts with that letter. So I decided since I is a hard letter we would make an igloo out of cotton balls. It came out so cute. She helped me for the first 5 minutes then she was bored and did her own projects.
We went to the beach Sunday morning to have our family pictures done. It was very cold out. I had these cute dresses someone had made for the girls, of course they were sleeveless so they had to where sweaters and two pairs of tights. It was 45 degrees and breezy. Peyton did so good getting pictures especially since her chin was shivering and her lips were blue. We did the best with what we had and hopefully they come out good.
Daddy also finished the tile in the babies room. All we have to do now is grout and do baseboards. Hopefully she will be in her room by this weekend. I am so excited.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Happy Baby
Skyler has been much happier lately, so instead of screaming 24/7 she has been talking and smiling. It is hard to catch on video but I attempted the other night. I will get her to say Momma before Daddy. She is learning by osmosis. Peyton of course said Dada first, but not this one. I am working her.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Jetski fun in Florida
It might be cold in Florida right now but who says you cannot ride your jetski in the front yard. While Mommy is putting up the christmas tree and cooking turkey noodle soup Daddy is entertaining in the front yard. Tyler went on a ski trip with a friend yesterday and when he came home to put it away Peyton wanted to help. Daddy pulled out the tractor and as usual hooked up to the jetski and pulled her around the yard. She was smiling and waving as if she was in the christmas parade. The things he comes up with that really make her happy and smile.
Happy Thanksgiving
We had a great Thanksgiving. My parents came over and had dinner with us. The kids were great while I made dinner. Skyler was crying while I was preparing the turkey to cook so I put her in her bathtub that was on the counter and she fell asleep. Peyton played with Daddy alot today since Mommy was very busy cooking. After dinner festivities we made a fire in the chiminea and made smores. Peyton went to bed early and as usual the other one was wide awake so she was outside with us. Of course we had her bundled in a snow suit. I had to try and get to bed early because I was getting ready for the big Black Friday shopping. The baby must have known her Mommy was going to be gone the next dy because she cried until 2 am. Which means I did not go to sleep until 2 am then I had to wake up at 3 am to start shopping. I was very tired. Mission accomplished with the christmas shopping. I finished my kids shopping that day and saved ALOT of money. People think we are crazy but if they knew how much we saved and that we were done shooping in November maybe more people would do it.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
On Saturday Skyler rolled from belly to back for the first time. She has been doing it ever since. She loves to play on her playmat and get some tummy time. We just cannot seem to keep her on her belly long before she flips.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Oh My sickness
My whole house has been sick lately. It started two weeks ago with Peyton. She had high fevers with a horrible cough. I was praying Skyler would not catch it but that did not happen. My poor 6 week old has a horrible cough and chest congestion. I do not think I have ever seen a baby this small cough so hard she vomits. It is very sad. They have both been to the doctor, Peyton on antibiotics and now she is sick again with 102 temps. Today my mission is to take the kids back to the doctor. I am tired of being there so much in the last two weeks.
On a lighter note yesterday was a productive day at home. We got new high capacity front loader washer and dryer to help with our extended large laundry needs now. I sure hope it satisfies my desire to have more laundry done faster.
On Saturday Skyler rolledover from belly to back for the first time. I cannot believe she is doing that alreay. Everytime I put her on her belly she flips. I am trying to get it caught on video so I will post it when we do. She also scoots across the floor when we put her on her belly pushing hard with those little feet. My mom says I was scooting all over the house at two months old. She is just like her mommy.
On a lighter note yesterday was a productive day at home. We got new high capacity front loader washer and dryer to help with our extended large laundry needs now. I sure hope it satisfies my desire to have more laundry done faster.
On Saturday Skyler rolledover from belly to back for the first time. I cannot believe she is doing that alreay. Everytime I put her on her belly she flips. I am trying to get it caught on video so I will post it when we do. She also scoots across the floor when we put her on her belly pushing hard with those little feet. My mom says I was scooting all over the house at two months old. She is just like her mommy.
Thursday, October 29, 2009

We had a good time at the pupmkin patch with the kids. They had a photographer there taking pictures. She did such a great job getting pictures of Peyton. She usually is not very patient with picture taking. We usually miss smiles because she is so quick and the camera cannot keep up with her. The photographer offered her a lollipop when we were done and that seemed to work. The baby was easy. She slept the whole time, so we just put her anywhere we wanted for pictures. Tomorrow Peyton has a parade at school for Halloween then a party in her class. Today she is home with me because of a cough and runny nose. Hopefully she will be better tomorrow and will not miss the parade. She is very excited about Halloween this year. A friend of ours is coming along with their son Jacob. They are two peas in a pod and play great together. Peyton is not sure if she wants to wear the ladybug costume or the duck. I will post pictures next week afterwards.
Well the baby is finally doing better at night. Last night she went down at 10 pm and did not wake up to eat until 2 am then again around 5 am. Her gas issues seemed to have gotten better since I have not drank any milk. I love milk so I bought some soy milk yesterday to see if I can drink that without it affecting her.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
We are having fun at the Torrey house. Big sister Peyton has been great with Skyler. Every time she cries she runs to her saying " it's okay baby sister, Mommy is coming, you are safe". It is so cute. Sometimes she is so helpful it is dangerous. Tonight she told me her sister does not like poop on her bum because she cries when she poops. The mornings are still pretty hard. Peyton has to be to school by 9 am so depending on what time the baby wakes up I am trying to get Peyton fed and dressed for school either before her morning feeding or in between. It becomes difficult ans stressful. This morning the timing was way off and the baby was ready to eat and screaming as I was walking out the door to take her to school. Sometimes bathtime and bedtime are also that way. I try very hard to get the baby fed and diaper changed then bathe Peyton and read books beforebedtime. It does not always work that way. Of course I knew the second I was able to walk after having the baby and came home the hubby would not continue his wonderful helping routine. The first week he did alot with Peyton to help but now I have pushed myself and am paying for it last couple of days. I got the babies room painted today. Now all we need is the tile floor done. Hopefully we can get that done this weekend or at least in the next week. I am overwhelmed with all the baby stuff that needs to be put away.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Nightime awakenings
Nights at home have been rough. She has not been sleeping well at night which means Mommy is not sleeping well. Last night was better with night time wakenings. Skyler only woke up twice to feed and then went back to sleep. She and her Daddy are still sleeping now while I am up with Peyton. The adjustment with two children has been hard at times but is getting easier as each day goes on. The hardest part is mealtime and bedtime. As with any child it is a matter of timing. With babies, anywhere you go or anything you do especially when nursing everything is timed on feedings. So when you have a toddler and a baby things get a little hectic. Peyton has been very good with her sister. She hugs and kisses her all the time. Sometimes she wants to pick her up but of course as a rule we do not let her do that. In general she has adjusted pretty well to having a siblling.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Skyler Lexine Torrey has arrived!!!!

Friday night around 9:30 I suddenly started to have contractions 4-5 minutes apart. Thay were painful. By 12:00 am they were every 3 minutes and getting unbearable. Around 3 am we went to the hospital and they decided it was time, she was coming. My section was scheduled for 8 am. She was born on October 10th at 8:15 am. She was 8lbs 5 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. She is gorgeous. She has brown hair like me and has alot of my features. Daddy got one that looked like him and now I have mine. I will be in the hospital at least until tomorrow maybe Wednesday. I have one person I need to tell him he was right:) Charles Happy belated birthday. You were right about her being born that day. Now you can celebrate your birthday with someone:)) I will post more pictures once we get home.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
38 weeks today
Last night starting at 6pm my contractions went from spurratic to every 5-9 minutes and painful with lots af cramping. I did not sleep much due to the contractions. I had my OB appointment today and she said if they stay the same to go to Labor and Delivery and she will be paged to section me. Today they subsided a little (of course). They are still there but not as painful and timing has gotten longer in between. So I am going to try my best to deal with the contractions and keep her in there until next Thursday my scheduled date-October 15th. Today was ny last day at work so if I make it through the weekend I have all next week to try and get prepared.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
9 days to go!
Today has been a hard day. Alot of contractions and pain. I am wondering if this will just continue until October 15th or if all these contractions and pressure and pain will possibly cause her to come earlier. This is my last week of work, which I am only working half days and sitting and making phone calls. The person we hired to replace me is pretty good with the patients and is learning alot real fast. The patients seem to like her which makes me happy. I will still be around for them if they need me to help out but I am very excited about being able to stay at home with my children. I am going to go back to school and finish my BA and then go on to getting my PA. Hopefully it will work out that once this new little one is in preschool at age 2 I will be able to start the program. I have my next OB appointment on Thursday morning so I will update again after that.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Still No Baby:(( Week 37 and 5 days)
At my appointment last Thursday my doctor took me off strict bedrest and now I am allowed to get off the couch and out of bed for more than a drink. It is nice to be back in the real world a little bit. I still have to take it easy but now that I am 37 weeks( as of last Thursday) It is okay if I go into labor now. It is still hard to do things and walk around too much. My C-section date has been changed to October 15th. I only have 10 days left before she is literally being taken out whether she likes it or not. I have a feeling she is staying in there for the long haul. I am so excited to kiss and hold her. I am curious to see if this one will look like me this time or be another Torrey DNA.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
BABY-Q Fun!!!
We had our BABY-Q yesterday with some family and friends. Everyone had a good time. The kids swam in the pool the whole time and wore themselves out. I sat in a chair and everytime I started to get up someone yelled and made me sit back down. We received some needed items for this new arrival and everybody was very generous. We appreciate having such great friends.
At my appointment on Friday things have progressed some more. Now I am 75% effaced, so therefore she said I am still on bedrest. This baby has to stay cooking until 37 weeks. I am 35 weeks and 4 days today. Hopefully this misery will only last a week and a couple of days more. It is not easy being forced to sit and lay for hours on end. My husband has been a blessing and doing everything for me and Peyton. He is now trying to rush and finish the babies room since obviously we do not have the time we thought we did.
At my appointment on Friday things have progressed some more. Now I am 75% effaced, so therefore she said I am still on bedrest. This baby has to stay cooking until 37 weeks. I am 35 weeks and 4 days today. Hopefully this misery will only last a week and a couple of days more. It is not easy being forced to sit and lay for hours on end. My husband has been a blessing and doing everything for me and Peyton. He is now trying to rush and finish the babies room since obviously we do not have the time we thought we did.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
34 Weeks 2 days and now on strict Bed Rest.
Went to my regular check up yesterday and mentioned some complications I thought were minor but landed me on strict 24 hour bed rest. Having contractions and already dilated and effaced more than 50%. This baby wants out but she is too early so here we are laying and sitting in a reclining position until scheduled date on October 16th. I hope we can keep her in until at least 37 weeks. We definently were not prepared for this or for her to come early. Tyler is now taking on everything. I guess he will learn to cook and do things around the house he is not used to doing. The main issue is Peyton. I cannot get up and go anywhere or play with her except on the couch. Now the scramble is on to get our house prepared since we thought we had a few more weeks.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
33 weeks today and counting down
Today is week 33. This baby is coming in 6 weeks via scheduled delivery. If she decides to come a little early I will not mind. I think we will have to put her in some sort of dance classes because this kid has got some moves. She loves to be under my ribs and kick my hips all the time. I am getting anxious to see her and I wonder if she will have blonde peachfuzz and blue eyes like her sister when she is born. Our little Peyton, now 3, still is a toehead like her Daddy was until teenage years. She loves to tell people she has blue eyes like her Daddy and Mommy does not have blue eyes. She is starting to understand a little more about how Mommy is going to be going to the hospital to have the baby soon. The hard part for her and I will be the fact that we have never been apart like this before. She will have to go home without me for a few nights until I am released. Her and Daddy will be on their own. I am sure they will manage. I wish they had hotels specifically for birthing and families. That would be ideal so we do not have to be seperated.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
30 weeks 4D

This is a picture of our new baby girl at 30 weeks. We are very excited and getting ready for her to join our family. Right now we are in the process of starting her room so it is ready when she decides to arrive. I know we are a little behind but with some motivation and lots of energy it will be done soon:) Our scheduled C-section date is October 16th @1:00 pm. Hopefully we can make it that long. Feeling pretty uncomfortable and huge. I might post some belly pics soon. Peyton is getting pretty excited and every time I go to the doctor she asks me when I come home if the baby is still in my belly or if I had to go to the hospital. It is very cute:)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Have not had much time lately to do anything. We have been keeping busy with work on the house (as usual). Right now we have workers on our roof putting on a new roof. That is the last thing we needed when our baby will be here very soon. I am starting to get to the point again to throw everything away and start over so there is no clutter or stuff laying around. Life with one child is hard enough and I know once this one is born it is going to be double the work. Peyton I am sure will be a big help. She loves to help mommy all the time and is now cleaning her own stuff. Let's just hope it stays that way. We are still contemplating names for this little girl. It just does not seem as easy this time. She will have this name the rest of her life. We are trying to incorporate Tylers family in the name somehow. Looking forward to this weekend with July 4th plans with friends. I have Monday off work too:)) yipppeee!
Peyton has reached a big milestone this weekend. She now can swim without her floaties or her life vest. We have been working with her for weeks almost everyday and she swam from one end of the pool to the other on Saturday. She jumps in the deep end and brings herself back up and keeps on going. It gets hard for her after awhile because she gets so tired, but soon she will be a pro like her daddy.
Peyton has reached a big milestone this weekend. She now can swim without her floaties or her life vest. We have been working with her for weeks almost everyday and she swam from one end of the pool to the other on Saturday. She jumps in the deep end and brings herself back up and keeps on going. It gets hard for her after awhile because she gets so tired, but soon she will be a pro like her daddy.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
We got a look at our new baby today. She had no trouble letting us know what gender she was. Now we have to figure out a name for her. Peyton is very excited. She enjoyed seeing the pictures of her new sister. We still have some stuff from when Peyton was little so this weekend I am going to try and go through it to see what we need.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
This weekend has been pretty relaxing. I am starting to feel the baby move around alot everyday now. I am 18wks 3 days today. We have another U/S coming June 2nd so we will see if this child is going to be stubborn again and hide their genitals. This pregnancy has gone by fast this time. Having another child already keeps you busy and not focusing on every little tiny thing during pregnancy. Peyton keeps us on our toes. She is a very busy little bee that we sometimes cannot keep up with. She is definently just like her Daddy is so many ways.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I am a wife and working mother to a beautiful little girl named Peyton. She turned three on May 1st. We are excited to have a second child on the way. Peyton is very excited about being a big sister. I am 17 weeks 4 days pregnant. We tried last week to see the sex of the baby but this child is like her/his sister and did not want to cooperate. The umbilical cord was between the legs. We are trying to get our house ready for this life change with two kids. I threw alot of our stuff away this weekend. I want to start fresh and have everything organized and not cluttered. If I start off that way then it is much easier to continue. Tyler was so worried I was going to throw his stuff away he would not leave the house. We are going to be working on our master bedroom this week and into the weekend. Hopefully it will get finished so we can buy a bedroom set and move back in our room. The futon is becoming impossible to sleep on 5 months pregnant (backaches and so uncomfortable). I will post the ultrasound pics we have so far later. This baby is growing fast and the time has flown this time so far.
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