Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We are having fun at the Torrey house. Big sister Peyton has been great with Skyler. Every time she cries she runs to her saying " it's okay baby sister, Mommy is coming, you are safe". It is so cute. Sometimes she is so helpful it is dangerous. Tonight she told me her sister does not like poop on her bum because she cries when she poops. The mornings are still pretty hard. Peyton has to be to school by 9 am so depending on what time the baby wakes up I am trying to get Peyton fed and dressed for school either before her morning feeding or in between. It becomes difficult ans stressful. This morning the timing was way off and the baby was ready to eat and screaming as I was walking out the door to take her to school. Sometimes bathtime and bedtime are also that way. I try very hard to get the baby fed and diaper changed then bathe Peyton and read books beforebedtime. It does not always work that way. Of course I knew the second I was able to walk after having the baby and came home the hubby would not continue his wonderful helping routine. The first week he did alot with Peyton to help but now I have pushed myself and am paying for it last couple of days. I got the babies room painted today. Now all we need is the tile floor done. Hopefully we can get that done this weekend or at least in the next week. I am overwhelmed with all the baby stuff that needs to be put away.

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