Things have been pretty hectic around here. My new business is starting to take off and I am so excited about this opportunity. I feel very passionate about the products and what they are. I have three parties scheduled for this month and am looking to schedule many more. The company is very generous to thier representatives and the incentives are great. Each year they have a trip somewhere and you can earn points toward that trip to go for free. I am working towards that. I can even win the trip for two and bring the kids if I wanted to. This years trip was to Maui. I am excited to do this for our family and myself at the same time.
Skyler is definently getting so big way too fast. She has been military crawling and scooting around the house now in full speed. She lifts herself up to a standing position on just about anything. Yesterday morning while I was in her roomwith her going through clothes(again because she is growing so fast) she was in her crib watching and pulled herself up and was so excited she had accomplished that. It just seems like her infancy is going by too fast to even keep track of. She is now in 12month clothes and I think she is going to be tall. She has a longer torso than Peyton and alot of her shirts are too short.
We have been having alot of fun this summer. We try to have playdates at least every other day, if not every day. Today we are going to the riverfront park to let the kids play in the water fountain and run around in the grass. Skyler will like the big feild thay have to crawl and play in. We have been going to the beach alot. I have realized it is almost impossible for me to go to the beach with the kids without another adult. Skyler is in a hard stage where I cannot keep her in one spot so she is crawling off the mats into the sand and eating it for lunch. It is kinda cute but i am sure it cannot taste good.
We are blessed to have each other and work hard every day at staying a strong family.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
MAMA on Command:))
Last night Skyler finally is saying mama on command. Daddy came home and still does not believe it. The look on his face was as if she betrayed him (hehe). This morning again when she woke up, laying on her change table touches my cheek and says mama. Oh just melts my heart. There is nothing in the whole world that compares to the feeling of being a Mom:)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Finally updating!!
I know it has been forever since I updated the blog.It has been crazy busy around here with a 7 month old now army crawling all over the place and walking in her walker. I put her in the playroom to play and with in minutes she is in the living room or whatever room I am in following me around. She is waving Hi now and very vocal but we have not heard any true words. I have a feeling I will not be able to keep up with this one. She is just as active as Peyton at 4 years old. If I have her in my lap she bows her back and jumps off my lap to the floor and stands there and giggles. She is now fully wiened as of May 2nd. She is doing great on formula except the soy does constipate her a little. Solid foods do not agree with her very well. Every time she eats baby food she has horrible reflux and throws up everything. We just eat cereal and formula with the occasional baby food and she is good.
Peytons birthday was this month and we went to Seaworld. She had so much fun. The baby did great and actually watched the Shamu show. I was amazed. It was scorching hot and we were all drenched with sweat all day but it was well worth it. Tylers birthday was Saturday and Peyton made him a special card and a cake which she was very proud of.
I am very excited about starting a new business. I am a representative for a geat company called Sensaria natural bodycare. They are all natural based products and are priced right. I have been using the products the last few days since I received my kit and I am AMAZED at how wonderful these products are. I am loking forward to getting out there and sharing these products with everyone. I should have my website up soon to view and order from. So far I have 3 parties booked for this next month and am hoping to get many more.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
This last month has had alot of milestones. Skyler is now eating solid foods. Thanks to a great friend giving some formula advice, she is now used to the Similac Soy formula and the last three days has taken a bottle. It has been a rough road with the bottle but she is getting used to it. We had to ease in to the formula by first putting it in rice cereal with baby food then slowly taking out the baby food. I have been giving her a bottle every day with formula in hopes of eventually she will suck on it. Three days ago she did and every day gets better. She is laughing and playing with Peyton more and more. It brings me joy to see my two children interact with each other. today Peyton was blowing on her belly and Skyler was laughing hysterically. Here are some pics from the last month of the kids.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Went to Skyler's appointment on Thursday and she has gained a pound in 3 weeks. YEAH!! We did it. The Prevacid has been working great and she is nursing normal now and getting full. We also started our first solid food on Friday. Now they say to start with yellow vegetables(squash,sweet potatoes) intead of rice cereal and then start rice. I gave her sweet potatoes first and she loved it! She was definently ready for solids. She kept grabbing the spoon and forcing it in her mouth begging for more. The only thing I cannot get her to take is formula. I have tried numerous times and many different kinds. She just does not like the taste. I want to start trying to wean her but I do not think she is going to allow me too. She is a stubborn kid and likes what she likes:) I will try again today to do the formula half and half and see how that goes. She got some rice cereal this morning and I tried mixing it with formula and she outright refused it spitting it out.Then mixed it with breastmilk and she ate it. What a stinker.
Monday, March 15, 2010
5 months old-"MAMA"
Skyler is now 5 months old and growing like a weed. She has been having a hard time with her GERD and is now on Prevacid. Her check up is on Thursday to make sure she is gaining weight. She seems much happier. Some nights and days she is crying alot but on average she is alot better. She will be starting solids soon. I got her highchair out the other day and she looks so tiny in it.
Yesterday I went to my moms foir dinner with the kids and while we were there she said "mama". Of course there was noone around but Peyton and Daddy does no think she is a credible witness. I have been trying all day to get her to say it again and all she will say ia "MA". At least she has the syllable down and before long I will hear those magical words all day:)
I am starting school soon to finish my BS. After I do that I will be trying to get into the PA program. I am hoping by the time that Skyler is in preschool or kindergarten I will be in the program. I am so excited about doing this. I am finally at a point in my life where I feel like I can go forward and do something for myself and eventually for my family.
Yesterday I went to my moms foir dinner with the kids and while we were there she said "mama". Of course there was noone around but Peyton and Daddy does no think she is a credible witness. I have been trying all day to get her to say it again and all she will say ia "MA". At least she has the syllable down and before long I will hear those magical words all day:)
I am starting school soon to finish my BS. After I do that I will be trying to get into the PA program. I am hoping by the time that Skyler is in preschool or kindergarten I will be in the program. I am so excited about doing this. I am finally at a point in my life where I feel like I can go forward and do something for myself and eventually for my family.
Friday, February 19, 2010
4 months old
Skyler has gotten so big so fast. I cannot believe she is four months old. She is rolling across the room now and starting to crawl. She does not get too far but gets those legs under her and elbows up and moves about a foot or so. She is talking nd laughing. The smiles just melt my heart. We have recently found out her reflux when she was born has not gone away and was affecting her weight by not eating properly. She is now on Zantac twice a day and is growing well and is much happier. If I only knew this sooner she would have been much happier alot sooner. She loves to watch her big sister and talk to her. She loves playing in her exersaucer now. She will at least play for 15-20 minutes. I cannot believe she will be starting solids soon. I was looking at my highchair the other day feling sad knowing that soon she will be big enough to sit in it. ZI am trying to keep up on my posts but these days I barely have time to think.
Tonight is our 10th anniversary and we have a babysitter coming after the kids are in bed so we can have time without children. I am very excited about this. Two kids 24/7 and no adult time gets hard. I think we are going to dinner. Hopefully the baby stays asleep so we can get through our meal

Tonight is our 10th anniversary and we have a babysitter coming after the kids are in bed so we can have time without children. I am very excited about this. Two kids 24/7 and no adult time gets hard. I think we are going to dinner. Hopefully the baby stays asleep so we can get through our meal
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
3 months old
I cannot believe that Skyler is 3 months old already. She is starting to laugh when we play with her. She is becoming a much happier baby more of the time. The crying is finally starting to slow down a bit. This last week has been rough at night. She has been waking up again every 3 hours. I am pretty sure she is going through a growth spurt. She is now playing in her exersaucer. Her feet barely touch the ground. She stares at the toys in amazement, it is so cute. Peyton has been so good with her. She sits next to her and they talk to each other. Peyton loves it when the baby smiles and coos at her.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Where's the baby?
Santa came to the Torrey house
We had a great Christmas. There is nothing better than your little one waking up and coming out in their pajamas with wild bed head on Christmas morning. Peyton was so excited to wake up and see that Santa had left her lots of presents. Roxie helped her open them. I know a little weird, but our boxers love Christmas. We went to my parents house for dinner in the afternoon and Peyton opened presents over there for her and Skyler. My father of course had his karaoke out and we all sang like old times. It was nice to feel like when I was little and family all gathered to play guitar and sing.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Babies Room Completed
Say Cheese!!!!

We took the kids to see Santa on Saturday December 20th to the First photo studio in Cocoa Beach. They were doing the food drive exchange for santa pictures. However many cans you took is how many pictures they gave you. Peyton just refused to smile so we got mug shots with Santa:) I was very pleased the baby was awake and looked at the camera. Next year she will probably not like him but for now she does not know any different.
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