I know it has been forever since I updated the blog.It has been crazy busy around here with a 7 month old now army crawling all over the place and walking in her walker. I put her in the playroom to play and with in minutes she is in the living room or whatever room I am in following me around. She is waving Hi now and very vocal but we have not heard any true words. I have a feeling I will not be able to keep up with this one. She is just as active as Peyton at 4 years old. If I have her in my lap she bows her back and jumps off my lap to the floor and stands there and giggles. She is now fully wiened as of May 2nd. She is doing great on formula except the soy does constipate her a little. Solid foods do not agree with her very well. Every time she eats baby food she has horrible reflux and throws up everything. We just eat cereal and formula with the occasional baby food and she is good.
Peytons birthday was this month and we went to Seaworld. She had so much fun. The baby did great and actually watched the Shamu show. I was amazed. It was scorching hot and we were all drenched with sweat all day but it was well worth it. Tylers birthday was Saturday and Peyton made him a special card and a cake which she was very proud of.
I am very excited about starting a new business. I am a representative for a geat company called Sensaria natural bodycare. They are all natural based products and are priced right. I have been using the products the last few days since I received my kit and I am AMAZED at how wonderful these products are. I am loking forward to getting out there and sharing these products with everyone. I should have my website up soon to view and order from. So far I have 3 parties booked for this next month and am hoping to get many more.
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